I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan. I love the fact that her albums are like a diary.. A cute romance, a horrible day, a bad break-up.. There's a Taylor Swift song for every occasion! And now finally the wait is nearly over, Taylor Swift's third album 'Speak Now' will be released on October 25th 2010! I can't wait! Taylor has already given her fans a sneak peek at her new album with the release of her new song 'Mine', (which I can't get out of my head). When asked about the meaning of her new song 'Mine' Taylor claimed, "It's been sort of a recent tendency, and I think it's because, for me, every really direct example of love that I've had in front of me has ended in goodbye and ended in breakups and things like that. So I think I've developed this pattern of running away when it comes time to fall in love and stay in a relationship. The song is sort of about finding the exception to that and finding someone who would make you believe in love and realize that it could work out, because I'm never ever going to go past hoping that love works out." I already love this song and can't wait to see the film clip when it airs on MTV on Saturday globally! And what else can we expect from Taylor Swift's new album? According to Taylor, “These songs are made up of words I didn’t say when the moment was right in front of me.” These songs are open letters. Each is written with a specific person in mind, telling them what I meant to tell them in person.” Here is the cover to her amazing new album!